God Bless Asphalt. I know it may sound unpopular and not-eco-friendly but after 5 days and almost 700 km of awful dirt road where your top speed barely reaches 50km/h, a flat tire and a major problem with the engine (more on this on the next post..), seeing a paved road in front of you has more or less the same effect that an oasis has on a thirsty wonderer in the hottest of the deserts. [Read More]
Where to start? 10 Days ago we started our journey south. With nothing but open road ahead of us and a rather freshly tweaked little camper, we flew our way onto the motorway out of the bustling city of Santiago to make the ‘long way down’ to Patagonia. [Read More]
NO, we’re not dead. And YES, it has been way more tough than we thought. [Read More]
So, this is happening. What started as a random (and honestly quite tipsy) conversation, turned out to manifest itself way faster/sooner than I thought. So here we are, my partner (in crime, and life… AND work) Adele and I, getting ready to embark on this crazy adventure. We will be travelling for one year from the very bottom of Argentina all the way up until Canada, just with a van, our gear and some underwear. [Read More]