I can’t believe I haven’t updated the blog in almost a month.. Summer as been craaaaazy to say the least. I’ve been shooting tons of editorials for local mags, as well as UK and US magazines, I’ll post those as soon as they’re released. One of the shoots for Vancouver Magazine also happened to be my very first food shoot ever (I’ve previously shot chefs but never the food itself) and I gotta say, I quite enjoyed the experience.
Since I LOVE cooking (but I’ll open a restaurant one day, I promise, one day..) it was great to meet 5 very talented chefs from Vancouver, shoot a portrait of them as well as their beautiful restaurants and a new dish that featured a particular ingredient for each of them. These people are fascinating, their creativity and dedication to their craft is remarkable.
Also kudos to Brennan at VanMag for a fantastic idea and design of the feature. Stay tuned, more to come.